Friday, December 23, 2011



按道理來說,這種 board game 是比較合我胃口的:做工精美,人物豐富,老少咸宜。但不知怎的就是提不起興趣去玩好。

忽然一驚,以前的自己對這種東西可是很著迷的,睡覺想,上課想,但現在,竟然不 fancy 了。




Friday, December 9, 2011

Applescript to export your iPhoto albums according to the hierachy

iPhoto has one thing that drives me nuts: one cannot export photos in folder/album while keeping the hierarchy!

This is very useful when your want to export them to some external device, say, a digital photo frame.

I did some search and found that people are using some cumbersome trick, i.e., to batch rename the photos with prefix of the event, export, and then move the photos with the same prefix into folders with the prefixes. This is not so elegant because people may want to give meaningful name the photos and this will certainly destroy it.

So I wrote this little script to make life easier. Extract it and drag to  ~/Library/Services. This will add it as an service of iPhoto. Now you can just select an album and choose 

    'iPhoto -> Service -> Export Album'

then select a folder to export to. Enjoy!