Friday, September 25, 2009

收到了Justin Sandercoe的感謝信,show一下。

Justinguitar 是一個免費的吉他教程網站,我從04年開始知道它,并斷斷續續在他那邊學到了不少東西。
今天收到了他的回信,非常感動,祝Justin Guitar 越辦越好!

Justin Guitar 主要介紹原聲鋼線木吉他以及電吉他的演奏技術,并穿插了樂理知識在其中。



Hi Xxxxxx(略去我的名字~)

Thank you very much for your donation to my site! And sorry this thank you has taken so long for me to send, just been very busy with the album... but I am nearly finished now, just a few tracks left to mix, so I should be finished mixing the album by Wednesday, fingers crossed.

It's generous people like you that allow me to keep the site free and continue to develop more content and keep making it better and better...

There are many hundreds of thank you emails I get from people all over the world that can't afford lessons, and their thanks goes to you too, for making it possible! :)

There are big plans for the site and it's donations that allow me to take time off paid work to make them happen, and I hope you will enjoy the many lessons that I have planned for the coming months and years!

I know I have not done lots on the site the last few months (well not as much as normal) but I've been focused on getting my album done.

I've managed to get some new stuff going in the last week, I did Patience by Guns 'n' Roses a week ago, and then a massive four part series on Sultans of Swing, which is looking pretty popular!!

I have a big list of good stuff coming up in the coming weeks, some more jazz lessons, more beginners songs and some rock tricks too!

Hope you are well and happy and your guitar playing is progressing well

Thanks again for your support and take care


p.s - though this may seem like some kind of automated robot email, it isn't. Of course I have to copy and paste some text (otherwise I would end up with RSI) but I send each one personally!

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